Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Some Recent Games, July 2018

Here are pictures of recent games I have done.  .

First a picture of a Congo, the Africa adventure game by Studio Tomahawk.  This is a shot of a game between my son, Rob, and me.  It is Adventure 6.  Rob had a  safari of Belgian Force Publique  and I one of the Sultan of Zanzibar, both seeking rare treasure guarded by sacred warriors in the center of the table.  We each were attacked by a gorilla we found in a rough going terrain as we searched for a clue telling were we could exit after getting the treasure.

Next I present some pictures of a Charge game, British vs French in the War for Spanish Succession.  The original book used 30mm figures but the Dexter Group used 28mm figures provided by Steve Miller.
First a couple of pictures of British infantry assaulting over a river to attack French on a hill.  These are painted in a nice Toy Soldier style with gloss finish.

 Next the second round of a Cavalry melee between French and British
French on Hill and below defending against British attack.

Lastly, some pictures of, could it be? Bob playing in a Dungeons and Dragons game. Not since the game was first introduced, and a classic review in The Courier, have I ever played. 

The local group decided to do this on our usual game night and I had to go along.  It was an interesting exercise in role playing.  I would do it again, if the group so chooses, but I would not seek out a game.  I played an Elf, with a peasant minion and a dog, part of a group seeking to check into strange goings on at an ancient, damaged tower.